Add an image comparer

Use the Image Comparer plugin

Edouard Williamson avatar
Written by Edouard Williamson
Updated over a week ago

On RacontR, it is possible to juxtapose two images using the plugin “image comparer”.

You can overlap two images with a slider that creates a beautiful effect to show the before and after of a photograph for instance.

Here are the different options offered by RacontR covered here :

  • Insert an image comparer

  • Image comparer parameters

Insert an image comparer

  1. To insert an image comparer, click on the “+” icon in the top-left menu of the page editor. A list of available media appears, click on “Image comparer”.

  2. The plugin appears. Now, you just have to adjust its parameters.

Image comparer parameters

  1. Click on the element then on “element parameters”.

  2. You can add your two images and choose the slider color and the icon width. Click "apply" once done.

When you click on the icon, you can then compare your two images!

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