The Button plugin

Create interactive buttons on your pages

Edouard Williamson avatar
Written by Edouard Williamson
Updated over a week ago

The Button plugin allows you to quickly create an interactive button. We have included its switch “on/off” status.

Here are the different options offered by RacontR covered here :

  • Insert a button on a page

  • Manage a button

Insert a button on a page

  1. To insert a button, click on the “+” icon in the left menu of the page editor. A list of available media appears, click on “Button”.

  2. A button appears. You can now parameter it.

Manage a button

  1. Click on the button then on “element parameters”.

  2. You can enable advanced settings, configure a button or switch (on/off status).

  3. You can change the text in the button, fonts, background color, add an icon or a shadow.

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