The Gallery plugin

Integrate interactive image galleries on your project

Edouard Williamson avatar
Written by Edouard Williamson
Updated over a week ago

The Gallery plugin allows you to quickly create interactive images galleries.

Voici les différentes options que nous allons aborder dans ce tutoriel :

  • Ajouter une galerie

  • Paramétrer une galerie

Add a gallery on a page

  1. To add a gallery, click on the “+” icon in the left menu of your page editor. An available media list appears, click on “Gallery.”

  2. The gallery appears, you can now set it up.

Gallery Parameters

  1. Add images you want to appear in your gallery then add a caption if needed.

  2. You can choose the number of columns and margins between images.

  3. You can customize the caption by changing the background color, font, text size, opacity …

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