Scenario management

Organise your project structure

Edouard Williamson avatar
Written by Edouard Williamson
Updated over a week ago

The “Scenario” section enables you to build and manage your interactive structure.

To access it, click on “Scenario” in the top-right menu.

Here are the different options offered by RacontR covered in this section :

  • Browse your scenario

  • Manage pages

  • Link page

Browse your scenario

Move your scenario : to move the whole scenario, maintain your keyboard space bar pressed (a hand icon appears) and simply click-and-drag with your mouse.

Zoom : you can easily zoom in or out on your scenario by dragging the cursor on the bottom left corner to the left or right.

Create new page : to add a page to your project, click on the “+” icon on the top left (2). A new page appears.

Each page (3) has a unique color, in order to distinguish it from the others.

At all times, you can move your pages with a simple drag-and-drop (4) and display them the way you imagined your narrative architecture (5).

Manage pages

Edit a page :
to edit a page, simply double-click on it to access the page editor. You can edit your page when you want, with no limit.

Publish a page : to become available online, a page must be published. By default pages are not published and it's up to you to decide when they are ready to be released.

Duplicate a page : you can duplicate an existing page to reuse its structure. To that end, select the page to be duplicated in the scenario et click on the “Duplicate” icon on the left menu.

Delete a page : to delete a page, select it and click on the “Delete” icon on the left menu.

Careful! This action can not be canceled. Once deleted, your page can not be retrieved.

Link pages

To link pages to one another, you first need to create an action layer on your page (cf: action layers). Once an action layer is created in the page editor, it appears underneath the page in the “Scenario” section.

You now have to link it to the destination page : click-and-drag from the action layer and drop it on the destination page. To visualize all links to a page, click on it. Links and actions layers become highlighted with identical colors so that you can check if everything is properly connected. To remove a link, click once on an action layer in your scenario

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