The layers stack

A closer look at the layers stack feature

Edouard Williamson avatar
Written by Edouard Williamson
Updated over a week ago

When you add any element to your page, it appears on your scene but also in the layers stack. Let’s explore how that works.

Here are the different options offered by RacontR covered in this section :

  • Managing depth

  • Layers visibility

  • Locking layers

  • Deleting layers

Managing depth

On your page, your elements are “piled up” on top of one another. The position of an element in the pile is called its “layer depth”.

  1. In the layers stack pane, the position of each layer determines its depth : the element at the very top of the stack will be in the foreground, and the lowest one will be the background.

  2. To change a layer’s position in the stack, simply click and drag it over or below the others

Layers visibility

To make editing easier, you can make a layer invisible (hidden) while in editing mode.

  1. Click on the eye-shaped icon on the right side of the layer.

Click a second time to make it visible again. (Note: hiding a layer this way while editing does not affect the visibility of the layer when running the project.)

Locking layers

  1. To avoid unwanted displacement, you can lock a layer by clicking on the lock-shaped icon on the right side of the layer. Click a second time to unlock it.

Deleting layers

  1. To delete a layer (and therefore the corresponding element on your page), click on the cross on the right side of the layer.

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